It's the small hours of Saturday morning, 1:30 AM, 5 Oct 2024. Sunrise in ~6 hours.
11°C Fog
Wind E 4 km/h
Pressure 102.1 kPa rising
Humidity 100%
Tonight: Partly cloudy. A few showers this evening. Wind southwest 20 km/h becoming northwest 20 after midnight. Low plus 4.
Observations at 12:30 AM NDT at Blanc Sablon. Forecast for L'Anse au Loup issued 4:30 PM NDT.
Sunrise in ~6 Hours
Sunrise 7:24 AM
Sunset 6:47 PM
11 hrs 22 min of daylight today, 4 minutes less than yesterday.
Tides for Today
View is from English Point looking southwest across the inner part of Forteau Bay. For new visitors here's a Google Map of the camera location.
A new image is available every 5 minutes, barring local power / Internet interruptions. The cam, weather & sun information will update if you leave this page open.
The camera is a Logitech C920 USB webcam, attached to an old laptop. It sits in a basement window and shoots through double-pane glass.
Image quality is generally good except for late afternoons on sunny days, when the sun is facing the cam and there's a lot of glare. And when I neglect to clean the window.
These are available for you to use as you wish. All are updated every five minutes.
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Labrador Weather at a Glance
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